Okay, my life as we know it is crazy. I have wanted to post, but I've barely had a minute. I'm frantically trying to figure out what I'm going to teach a bunch of tenth graders in a few weeks. Treven has been sick. It was Kimberlyn's birthday and I've had meetings with principals. Oh, and I had to get fingerprinted. My house hasn't been cleaned for weeks. I managed to do some laundry, but it isn't folded. We are living from laundry baskets. Thank goodness for my dad who is making dinner for us a lot, not to mention he, my mom, and sister have taken my kids so I can get school work done while Jarett also goes to meetings and pours concrete.
In summary, I will try to get better stuff posted soon and please excuse my blog. I was experimenting with it, but now I don't have time to make it look nicer. It too is crazy and random, like a symbol of my life.